Why SEO ?


SEO stands for “Search Engine Optimization”. Basically it is a process of bringing traffic to your website in a free, organic, editorial and natural manner. Thus this is the key aspect of organic lead generation.

SEO is one of the most worthwhile channels of marketing that can bring business more and better qualified leads and customers.

There are several search engines among them the topmost that used across the globe are Google, Bing and Yahoo. They all show primary search results where the web pages and other relative content are ranked or shown based on what is most relevant to the users. Do Note here, that paid ads are not involved as that is through other aspects of Digital Marketing i.e. PAID SEARCH.


Why SEO is important for Online Businesses?


In order to flourish and become successful in towards competitive environment both digitally and analog it is necessary to be tech savvy and comply with current form of marketing. Multiple studies and results have shown that SEO have better Return on Investment than the traditional marketing form and in better manner specially when today all we do is Google for almost everything.

SEO cannot be considered as the magic but it is one of the key components of Marketing in towards competitive environment. It increase the visibility of the business, creates brand awareness by brining traffic to the website, helps in analyzing customers behavior and thus results in HIGH ROI and increase creditability.

In broader way, SEO can be termed as the branding tool for business. For Example: When an individual search for any product or any services, Google or any other search engine shows the high ranking link on the top, obviously any business would wan to appear as high as possible on the search engine ranking. BUT THE REASONS to opt for SEO is more than just a click on to your website. For instance, most of the people searching for product or services won’t simply stop by searching once. They will for sure edit their search result and will surely research by editing their search content. Therefore they will search few, click on few website and sometimes search again. Hence this is where your search engine optimization will come handy, which means, if you continually appear on the search result it will surely increase your chances in getting potential customer as it creates awareness plus increase brand value in customers eye. As this increase the chances on getting click through our website and as we appear more on search result this will lead to built trust and thus will lead to gain potential customer i.e. LEAD GENERATION. Therefore, SEO brings the following aspects to online businesses:


  • Brings Reliability:

Back in 90’s people use to go through yellow pages in order to look for an electrician or a plumber and usually they ended up calling the person who appeared first on the page or to the one who was being highlighted. Similarly in this Google era people has switched from yellow pages to Search engines. Now the question again arises where do you want to appear on the basis of Search Engine Ranking? Answer to this is, in the top search results. Correct? Thus when you analyze, SEO helps in developing a psychology in searchers mind in choosing your esteemed business, as searchers do makes mental notes of links that appears on the high ranking about the product and services they searched for. The searchers may not realize it but the high-ranking search results bring more reliability in their mind.


  • Boost Traffic:

SEO does results in bringing more and more traffic to your esteemed business. As it provides the desired location where the chances of lead generation becomes higher then by being located at the very end of the search engine. Answer to this is Question yourself “How many times have you clicked on to second page of your search results?”

Thus increase in traffic will surely increase in bringing potential clientage to your business. All together, SEO thus results in providing best Return on Investment as it allows us to market it to very specific client who is either looking for the products that we deal in or for the services that we render.


  • Analyzing Potential Customers Behaviour:

 After getting valuable traffic on to your website through SEO, you can analyze your traffic through Google Analytics. Basically you can use this tool in analyzing your prospective clients that is it helps in knowing how they searched it, from where and on what time plus many more. Thus such analysis helps the business in developing their strategies accordingly that is very useful for longer run.


Thus, Overall SEO can be termed as the most important tool of marketing as it not only helps increase the visibility of the business, creating brand image but also helps in analyzing customers behavior which brings reliability and stability to business.


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